The Town offers three park areas as well as tennis courts for recreational opportunities. Stevens Park is the Town’s largest park and includes the Marion Boan Community Center, swimming pool, pavilion, amphitheater, playground, skateboard park and volleyball court. Rooms in the community center may be rented by calling Town Hall.
Richards Park includes a centerpiece grandstand and may be rented by calling Town Hall. Marion Street Park features an athletic field, basketball court and playground. The Ben Cook Tennis Courts offer two completely refurbished courts.
In addition to the Town’s recreational facilities, Lancaster County provides the Andrew Jackson Recreation Center and the Mullinax Soccer Fields.
Other Recreational Facilities
Mullinax Park
- 623 E. Church Street, Kershaw
- 4.5 acres includes 2 lighted soccer fields and is managed by Lancaster County Parks & Recreation.
Marion Boan Park
- 219 Little Dude Avenue, Kershaw, SC
- 5 acre park includes lighted and unlighted baseball/softball fields and is managed by Lancaster County Parks & Recreation.